How do I get a Valuation?

by 1st of March, 2021

As a business owner it's important to understand the difference between a valuation and an appraisal. Often these two words are interchanged but are very different. The time it takes to perform a valuation and the legal applications are very different from a business appraisal, you can find out more in this article. 

If you are selling a business, you may just need an appraisal (aka what the business could sell for in today's market) or you may need a valuation (a comprehensive understanding of the business's financial position). This decision will be based on a few factors, such as the size of the business, how many partners are involved, debts, business structure and so on. 

There are business brokers who are registered as licensed business valuers and can provide you with a valuation and appraisal. 

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