214 Businesses For Sale in Mornington Penninsula VIC

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Popular wide sandy beaches fronting Port Phillip bay and scenic cliff top coastline a short drive from Melbourne offers a great escape attracting many types of tourism businesses and events, attractions, cafes, restaurants and spas. You can even drive around to Sorrento, take the car ferry across the bay for a full round trip. The Mornington Peninsula is part of the Southern area of Melbourne with its own local council, certified a carbon neutral organisation.

Frankston is the gateway to the peninsula and has a large retail district and services. Mornington Main Street Produce Market has run for over 40 years every Wednesday.  Mornington Winter Jazz and Blues Music Festival. The area has many talented artist and galleries, theatre and community groups. Tourism accommodation and events are planned year round attracting thousands of visitors to the area 

Travel Victoria Mornington Peninsula                     Mornington Peninsula Council Shire

Mornington Chamber Commerce

The Mornington Peninsula attracts many Melbourne visitors and is a retirement destination with people drawn to the beaches, parks, rural and urban towns with their easy going lifestyles. You can search for businesses to buy in particular suburbs. 

Frankston                Mount Eliza                Mornington

Sorrento                  Mount Martha           Dromana

Rosebud                  Portsea                       Authurs Seat

Red Hill                    Rye                              Hastings

On Bsale there are hundreds of businesses listed for sale on the Mornington Peninsula region of Victoria. The Mornington Peninsula with its popular beaches, cafes, spas and laid back lifestyle is only 40klms or an hour from Melbourne. The 168,800 (2020) population can swell to around 30% with summer tourists visiting the area. The Mornington Peninsula is part of the greater Melbourne Southern Region.

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You have the option of selling your business on the Mornington Peninsula VIC privately or by engaging a professional business broker. At Bsale we have put together some resources to help guide you:

> Guide to Selling a Business in Australia

> Guide to Choosing a Business Broker

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