216 Businesses For Sale in Mackay + Rockhampton QLD

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Accommodation & Tourism
Agricultural and Rural
Beauty and Health
Commercial Property
Education and Training
Food Hospitality
Import Export Wholesale
Work From Home

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This region allows for a relaxed tropical lifestyle, glorious beaches and tourism opportunities.

Mackay is the gateway to Great Keppel Island, Whitsunday region, the Great Barrier Reef and the rich coal resources of the Galilee Basin. Business opportunities are available in agriculture, hospitality, petrol stations, transport and tourism.

Rockhampton is the beef capital of Queensland with many associated industries plus mining and agriculture. Gladstone is the industrial hub with metal smelting and manufacturing and the major sea port.

> Mackay Council 

> Central QLD Regional Organisation of Councils 

> Rockhampton Region Council


If this is your first time buying a business, Bsale has put together some helpful resources:

> Your essential guide to buying a business.

This beautiful region of Queensland is home to coastal beaches and world renowned agricultural businesses. There are opportunities available from $30,000 to $2,000,000+. See the top 5 types of businesses for sale in the Rockhampton and Mackay region:

Hotels for sale Rockhampton and Mackay QLD

Cafe for sale Rockhampton and Mackay QLD

Hair salon for sale Rockhampton and Mackay QLD

Restaurant for sale Rockhampton and Mackay QLD

Retail Other in Rockhampton and Mackay QLD

Mackay region has a population of 118,000 and Rochhampton or “Rocky” to the locals has a population of 81,999 (2020) and is 617 klms north of Brisbane. Gracemere is located on the Tropic of Capricorn and is a logistic hub in the industrial area.

Mackay               Proserpine           Sarina

Richmond          Bowen                  Moranbah

Cannonvale        Barcaldine           Rockhampton

Gladstone Qld    Yeppon                Emerald

On Bsale there are hundreds of businesses listed for sale in the Mackay and Rockhampton region of Queensland. Surrounded by the Tropic of Capricorn and being a gateway to the Whitsunday Island group, this region is known for its beautiful beaches and tropical lifestyle. 

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You have the option of selling your business in Mackay or Rockhampton privately or engaging a professional business broker. At Bsale we have put together some resources to help guide you:

> Guide to Selling a Business in Australia

> Guide to Choosing a Business Broker

> Sell a Business Online