Save Time. Business Brokers will Negotiate Your Sale.

by 7th of August, 2020



Bsale is one of Australia’s most established business for sale websites. We host more than 10,000 businesses for sale on our website at any one time. We act as an advertising platform for businesses looking to sell. So if you’re selling a business, do you need a business broker? We spoke with Linsday Power from Adelaide Business Brokers to discuss the benefits of using a business broker. 

Selling a business can be a very long, complex and emotionally draining ordeal, which can add unnecessary stress to your already busy life. As an experienced business broker, we have helped many individuals and corporate entities like you and we know what buyers are looking for. By engaging a business broker, you will also avert potential legal problems that may arise from disputes with buyers due to unfamiliarity in handling the various agreements, documents and processes involved. Business brokers will guard your best interests when selling your businesses and try to achieve the best possible results, leaving you with peace of mind to focus on running your day-to-day business activities. We handle the whole process of selling your businesses from start to end.


6 reasons why you should use a business broker when selling your business.

1. We help to properly assess the value of your businesses.

2. We save your precious time, energy and resources by providing comprehensive and strategic marketing processes to reach out to existing and potential buyers. 

3. We handle inquiries, screen buyers, and exercise due diligence to protect confidential information.

4. We coordinate the relevant services of trustworthy professional advisors such as lawyers and accountants.

5. We negotiate the best terms and conditions for you.

6. We act discreetly so the sale process will not affect the morale or attitude of your customers and employees. 

We guide you through the whole selling procedure and ensure compliance on legal requirements to complete a successful sale. We work for you and guard your best interest; yet, always remember that you have the final say and you are in control. Therefore, it is important to engage an experienced business broker who understands that they have fiduciary duties to you. With us, you just sit back, relax, and enjoy the smooth ride. 

Our job is to safeguard all confidential information provided by the seller, actively market the business, find and qualify all potential buyers and negotiate the terms of the sale. We have a fiduciary responsibility to the sellers to only show businesses to those buyers that will abide by the confidentiality guidelines. 

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Potential buyers are required to review and sign a non-disclosure agreement, which outlines his/her responsibility in safeguarding the seller's private data. This occurs before any detailed information concerning a specific opportunity/confidential information is released. We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of the business sale. This is the preliminary step to protecting the seller's confidential information.

Professional Conduct

We understand that public knowledge of a potential sale can affect the morale, behaviour, attitude and actions of employees, customers, competitors, lenders, suppliers, or investors, and thus the value of the company. We safeguard and release appropriate information only to involved parties. 

How Long Does it take to Sell a Business?

It usually takes longer to sell a business than a house or a commercial building. Because of the confidential nature of a business sale, a business broker cannot put a For Sale sign on the window. The average time to sell a business is usually between six to twelve months. However, there are exceptions. Some businesses may sell within a month of being put in the market. Others may take several years to attract the right buyers. Adelaide Business Agents seeks out and talks to buyers every day.

Thanks to Lindsay Power from Adelaide Business Brokers for this very insightful information.

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