Jim’s Test & Tag Franchises For Sale – Darwin

Business For Sale Darwin, Northern Territory 0800

Business Category Franchise Business Opportunities Franchise Re-Sale Trade Services

$29,700 for a new Jim’s Test & Tag franchise in Darwin - Expected yearly turnover of at least $130K = Quick return on investment - Pay For Work Guarantee of $1,100 per week - Existing customers �...



Jim’s Test & Tag Franchises For Sale – Darwin

$29,700 for a new Jim’s Test & Tag franchise in Darwin - Expected yearly turnover of at least $130K = Quick return on investment - Pay For Work Guarantee of $1,100 per week - Existing customers 🏷🦺

Location Details
✅ Darwin $29,700 for a new Jim’s Test & Tag franchise
✅ Expected yearly turnover of at least $130K
✅ Typical return on investment just 2 months due to the huge demand in Darwin
✅ Pay For Work Guarantee of $1,100 per week
✅ Existing customers

🎗 Marketing support
The Jim's brand is established and our systems have been tested and improved by feedback from more than 4500 Franchisees who have come before you. Test & Tag has the toughest selection system of any Jim’s division; a key reason why it has been so successful. A great deal of effort has gone into working out which prospects are most likely to succeed.

🎗 Training provided
If you do decide Test & Tag is right for you and Test & Tag believes you would be a suitable addition to the group, you will undertake what we believe is the most comprehensive Test & Tag course in Australasia. You will also be taught how to market your business effectively. Along with the assistance of your Franchisor and fellow franchisees, we are confident that this will help make your business successful.

🎗 Skills
If you are self-motivated and disciplined read on. Jim’s Test & Tag can help with:
✅ Technical knowledge
✅ The ability to sell to our market
✅ The ability to manage your business

We have an intensive training programme that all Franchisees and Franchisors must undertake. On completion of the training, Franchisors are available to help get you started and to ensure you continue to reach your goals in the short, medium and long term.

Ongoing training is provided to ensure your business stays ahead of the rest.

🎗 Length of Agreement
Studies show that 50% of businesses fail in their first year. Not with Jim’s. Almost 90% of all Jim’s Franchisees make it through their first year and go on to build a profitable and successful business.

🎗 About the Opportunity
Time for a new career?
Now is the right time in Darwin for a new Jim’s Test & Tag territory as we have too many customers to be able to service.

✅ Expected yearly turnover of at least $130,000
✅ Enjoy a Pay For Work Guarantee of $1,100 per week.
✅ Large established customer base
✅ Jim’s Test and Tag Darwin – Franchise only $29,700
✅ Typical return on investment just 2 months due to the huge demand right now in Darwin

Investing in a Jim’s Test & Tag Franchise could be the exciting career opportunity you’ve been looking for. With help and support from one of Australia’s leading and most trusted brands you can:

✅ Be your own boss
✅ We have more work than we can handle
✅ Set your own schedule
✅ Spend more time with friends and family
✅ Determine your income

We currently have a huge amount of surplus work. In fact, last year we had 100’s of work leads go unserviced in the Northern Territory. In 2022, we’ve already seen a 65% increase in unserviced work leads compared to the same time last year. So there’s never been a better time to join Jim’s.

Book Your No-Obligation, 30-Minute Franchise Strategy Session Today And Discover How You Can Quit Your 9-5 And Become The Owner Of A Successful Jim’s Test & Tag Business! During your consultation call with a local franchisor, you’ll find out how to become your own boss and build a successful Jim’s Test & Tag Franchise.

You’ll also discover…

✅ How Jim’s proven franchise system could see you operating your own successful, profitable test & tag franchise within just a few short weeks
✅ How you can start your franchise with as little as $55,000 – that’s less than 11% of what it costs to kickstart a Boost Juice franchise!
✅ Tired of the 9 to 5 grind? We’ll show you how you can achieve your dream work-life balance with a successful Jim’s Test & Tag franchise
✅ Afraid of taking a risk? Discover how we can guarantee your income with our exclusive ‘pay for work’ guarantee

Sack Your Boss And Enjoy The Freedom Which Comes From Having Your Own Successful Business
Sick of working hard to make someone else rich? Jim’s Test & Tag franchises offer you the chance to finally be your own boss. All the hard work you put in will result in more money for you – not someone else.

We will assist you to establish a successful business, show you how to market your business and attract customers, and provide you with the ongoing support to help your business grow to a six figure a year income.

Become Your Own Boss And Spend More Time With Your Family Doing The Things You Love

🎗 Year Business Established

🎗 Year Franchising Commenced

🎗 History
Jim’s Group started as a part-time gardening business while Jim Penman completed his PhD. It went full time in 1982 and was franchised in 1989. Currently, there are more than 4,500 Franchisees in three countries and this number is growing every year.

Jim’s Test & Tag is one of our largest divisions and one of the most successful, with more than 200 Franchisees in Australia and New Zealand, and growing. Established in 2003, today we have become a leading expert in Australia for Electrical Testing & Tagging and Fire Safety Services.

🎗 Awards
Jim's Group regularly feature in the top 10 for multiple categories. 2021 We were ranked first overall and first in lifestyle.

Contact Seller
Geoff Crowhurst

Bsale ID: 581906

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