Business For Sale Ipswich, Queensland 4305
Business Category Aged Care
Ndis Service Provider- Aged Care- Under Management - Managed & Contracted Aged Care & Ndis Provider With Freehold & Vehicles -ipswich
NDIS Service Provider- Aged Care- Under Management - Brisbane West - Agent SBX Code Number: TQQ1190
Managed & contracted family governed aged care and NDIS provider. A valued business that proudly delivers a range of responsibilities and aspirations of people with a disability, while promoting maximum participation and inclusion in the community with a focus on living a life with choice. provides various classes of support from Assist-Life stage, personal activities, transport, daily tasks / shared living, development skills, household tasks (like house cleaning and yard maintenance), assisting in community participation and Group / Centre activities.PremisesThe main hub has an activity centre & 2 offices upstairs which is shared with HR/Director/Admin/Aged care coordinator.- The business also includes a house for STA + respite + SIL has 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 parking spaces and 15 vehicles included with the sale. Trading hours Monday - Friday 8.30 a.m - 4.30 p.m
Agent SBX Code Number: TQQ1190 - Sydney Business Exchange
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