Business For Sale Albany Creek, Queensland 4035
Business Category Cleaning Clothing Accessories Dry Cleaning Professional Services
Offers over $475,000 WIWO
Dry Cleaning Business (brisbane Northern Suburb) For Sale. Offers Over $475,000 Wiwo
Dry Cleaning business (Brisbane northern suburb) for sale. Offers over $475,000 WIWO
A well-established dry-cleaning business located in the Northern suburbs of Brisbane is up for sale, offering interested parties a great opportunity to acquire a profitable business with a solid customer base and a healthy profit margin. The owners have priced the business for a quick sale as it’s time for them to retire.
Key Features and Benefits:
• The business has been operating successfully under the same ownership for over 15 years.
• The brand is well-known and recognized within the local community.
• Financials are available for review, demonstrating high profitability and consistent cash flow.
• Turnover for the 2022 financial year was $382,339.
• A substantial client database exists, with proven history of solid recurring income.
• Word-of-mouth and repeat business account for most of the work.
• The business is situated among other popular shops in a well-known shopping centre that offers ample parking and has highly visible signage.
• 5 Years remaining on a 10 year lease
• Business operates 5.5 days per week Mon-Fri from 6:30am - 5:30pm, Sat from 6:30am -12pm.
• Modern and well-maintained equipment with stainless steel preparation area included in sale worth an estimated $300k
• The new shop fit-out was completed in 2019 with ducted air-con, security cameras and separate storage room
• Husband & wife team currently manage the operation
• Systems and procedures are already in place to ensure seamless operations.
• Huge potential for growth by expanding into commercial cleaning opportunities
• Advertising campaigns can be launched to reach out to more customers in other regions
Interested parties can visit WhatPriceMyBusiness website to complete a Non-Disclosure agreement or SMS “Drycleaning” to XXXXXXXXXX for more details.
Disclaimer: The above information regarding Dry Cleaning business (Brisbane northern suburb) for sale has been provided by the vendor as is and is intended to provide general information only. WHATPRICEMYBUSINESS Pty Ltd has not audited or verified the financials. We recommend that before acting on this information, you should conduct your own due diligence and consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your personal objectives, financial situation or needs.
We recommend that you obtain professional advice from a suitably qualified advisor before making any financial, taxation, investment, retirement or legal decisions
Dry Cleaning business (Brisbane northern suburb) for sale. Offers over $475,000 WIWO
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