Easy To Operate Retail At The Largest Shopping Mall With High Profit Margin

Business For Sale Cannington, Western Australia 6107

Business Category Arts and Crafts Clothing Accessories General Retail

$150,000 + SAV


Easy To Operate Retail At The Largest Shopping Mall With High Profit Margin

- Situated in a premium position in the largest shopping centre in Perth;

- Business is easy to operate, just 1 staff with a full-time working owner can handle it;

- Extremely high-profit margin above 1000%;

- No wastage and no maintenance;

- Can increase product range to increase the sales revenue;

- Renovated well appointed throughout;

- Well maintained Equipment.

Please get in touch with Bowen for more information.

BizLink Group
Adds: Suite 9, 125 Melville Parade, Como WA 6152
Contact Seller
Bowen Li
  • Bowen Li

Bsale ID: 657027
Broker REF: 2362

BizLink Group
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