Business For Sale Braemar, New South Wales 2575
Business Category Building and Construction
Equipment Hire - Building And Construction - Under Management - Building & Construction - Equipment Hire - Under Management - Southern Highlands
Equipment Hire - Building and Construction - Under Management - Southern Highlands - Agent SBX Code Number: CB1485
Equipment hire company, established by the owner in 1988, and servicing the high growth Southern Highlands and nearby areas with a wide range of modern machines and equipment for hire. The extensive list of plant, vehicles and equipment available, recently professionally valued at over $2,950,000, services the needs of the building and construction industry, industrial projects, tradies and home handymen. The business is easily accessed from the major road connecting nearby towns, has a prominent street frontage of 60m, and occupies an area of 8360sqm, with 2 large cladded buildings totaling 1170sqm utilised for office, showroom, workshop and equipment storage. Strong emphasis on energy savings with installation of 84 solar panels on structures, connected to 3 phase power, and the whole yard area sealed with concrete The business is run under management, and the vendor offers a new 3 x 3 x 3 year lease. The Freehold is available if required.
Agent SBX Code Number: CB1485 - Sydney Business Exchange
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This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.