Business Sold Pakenham, Victoria 3810
Business Category
Established 24/7 Gym And Fitness Centre – Pakenham, Vic
Business ID: BS152740
Little to No Owner Input Required If Desired
Boasting a busy location in a high-growth area, Fighting Fit Lifestyle Centres is a specialist facility offering both gym services and Mixed Martial Arts.
Operating 24/7, this well-established business has strong membership, multiple income streams, spacious premises and huge growth potential.
- Operating for more than 5 years
- Database of over 400 members and 100 MMA kids/adult members
- Income from Memberships, Classes, Merchandise and Product Sales
- Marketed via Facebook Ads, Google Words, B2B marketing, brochures, WOM and walk-ins
- Spacious premises (approx. 2500 sqm) in a busy & upcoming industrial estate
- 99% of equipment falls under the rental amount – New owner to maintain
- Currently run under management
- Huge potential for future growth – especially with the expansion of Southeast Boulevard connection to McGregor Rd
Current owner has other business commitments.
Price: $100,000 + SAV
Property Code: 3216
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