Business For Sale XB148879 XB148879, Adelaide, South Australia 5000
Business Category Building and Construction Lawn Mowing
Fencing Supply And Installation – South Australia
Business ID: XB148879
Under Management EBITDA over $300,000
This business provides total fencing solutions by acting as a wholesale outlet as well as providing installation services. The business has operated for over 20 years and a recent restructure now sees the business operating under management and powering on with increased sales.
A very efficient drive through the factory with two street frontages allows for quick loading up of orders and despatch. Plenty of pallet racking provides ample storage for a wide range of products for direct sale and use for installations. Several installation teams are kept very busy with custom-designed fencing solutions.
Business Highlights
- Leading provider of fencing and gates
- Excellent reputation for installations
- Under management
- Very experienced staff
- 5 day a week operation
- New lease available
A lot of home improvements and new housing puts the fencing industry at the forefront of this sector. This is a very robust operation with a definite ability to grow. Certainly worth a look.
Asking Price: This business is priced at $690,000 and includes plant & equipment, IP and goodwill. Stock is extra and approx. $100,000.
Property Code: 2702
Similar Businesses For Sale
This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.