Highly Acclaimed Music Rehearsal Studio With 7 Studios

Business For Sale Sydney NSW Region, New South Wales

Business Category Entertainment



Highly Acclaimed Music Rehearsal Studio With 7 Studios


No industry experience needed

Established in 1982, this is Australia's longest-running music rehearsal studio, recognised for its strong brand and stellar reputation in the music industry. The business is fully systemised and operates under management.

Ideal for investors seeking a hands-off opportunity, music enthusiasts, or those looking to expand and diversify their portfolio.

Key Business Features:
• Premium Rehearsal Studio with top-tier service for clients
• Consistent, profitable income from repeat customers
• Low sales overheads
• Seven studios available for hire
• Fully managed operations
• Equipment and storage rental services
• Streamlined booking system
• On-site cafeteria
• Iconic, established brand trusted by world-class musicians
• Significant potential for future growth

Financial Overview:

Revenue (FY23 - FY24, 3-year average): $523,060

Adjusted Net Profit (FY23 - FY24, 3-year average): $191,025

Assets Included in Sale: $172,970 (tangible and intangible, including fit-out and intellectual property)

Lease Details:
• Lease Term: 5 years, expiring in August 2027
• Annual Rent: $169,792 + GST

Growth Opportunities:
• Expand offerings to include podcast services and photography studio hire
• Introduce a licensed bar
• Launch sound recording services
• Explore partnerships with music retail outlets, venues, and educational institutions for targeted marketing.

Listing ID: NSW11513

Broker:Theo Pettaras

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Note that some details of the business for sale are confidential and disclosure is subject to completing a Confidentiality Agreement and the discretion of the broker.

Stock photo images may be used to represent the business on an unidentified basis. Purchasers are required to make their own enquiries in order to verify the information provided.

Ref: NSW11513
Timestamp: XXXXXXXXXX 0004
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Bsale ID: 649709
Broker REF: NSW11513

LINK New South Wales
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