Industrial Takeaway Café 5 Days Northern Suburbs

Business For Sale Sydney NSW Region, New South Wales

Business Category Cafe and Coffee Shop

$230,000 + SAV


Industrial Takeaway Café 5 Days Northern Suburbs

Highlights of the business

- Established 11 years
- Have your weekends free!
- Excellent fitout with full commercial kitchen
- Sales 10k-11k per week
- Suits couple or Husband and Wife
- Can increase revenue with additional seating outside area
- Repeat customer base
- Excellent catering revenue
- Reasonable rent
- Long lease of 10yrs

Annual turnover: $540,000 per year

Listing ID: NSW11043

Broker: Nick Poulos

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Note that some details of the business for sale are confidential and disclosure is subject to completing a Confidentiality Agreement and the discretion of the broker.

Stock photo images may be used to represent the business on an unidentified basis. Purchasers are required to make their own enquiries in order to verify the information provided.

Ref: NSW11043
Ref: NSW11043
Timestamp: XXXXXXXXXX 0045
Contact Seller

Bsale ID: 623410
Broker REF: NSW11043

LINK New South Wales
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