Business For Sale Perth, Western Australia 6000
Business Category Hardware Nursery Gardening
$387,300 PSAV (Estimated $100K)
Landscape Material Supply – A Strong Business
A successful landscape supply business with thirty years of experience servicing the Peel region.
This business has a trusted name in the industry, suppling quality landscaping and building materials to a wide client range. Additionally, the business is a key supplier of industrial and medical gasses in the area. Clients include local residents, businesses, trades and governments.
The business trades as an independently owned non-franchise business. The current owners, a husband and wife team, have owned the business for nine years and trade with the support of a small team of part time employees.
Annual sales are currently in excess of $800K with strong growth forecast from the rapidly expanding catchment area. The location is excellent, the rent is super economical, the premises are ideal plus they allow for future expansion. The plant, equipment and vehicles are well maintained and in good working order.
If you do not wish to be confined to an office, you are a self starter and you wish to control your own destiny, then this is the business for you.
Leasehold Sale Price $387,300 PSAV (Estimated $100K)
PLEASE NOTE: Information will only be provided after the completion of a Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement and clearance of the enquirer’s credentials. Please complete the email enquiry form, or contact:
Robert Gasmier
ROBERT GASMIER Business & Property Broker
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