Leading Wa Timber Supplies Business

Business For Sale Western Australia

Business Category Building and Construction



Leading Wa Timber Supplies Business

$1,950,000 Plus Stock
Longstanding timber supplies business trading successfully for decades
Supplies all primary timber products required in construction direct to end users and the professional trade
Products include pine, oak, lining boards, moldings ,pine poles and timber components made custom to order
Decking in all timber types, panel products, exotic timbers and associated timber hardware products required on a repeat basis in the industry sector
Revenues near $5.3M in FY23 with strong profits to the owners
Purchase includes $200K of plant & equipment and $300K of stock
Purpose designed and well-presented premises are available for the new owners to lease
Long standing and efficient team of staff available to continue
Reasonable valuation given the level of profits and assets included in the business purchase

Similar Businesses For Sale

This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.

Contact Seller
Nigel Gill

Bsale ID: 643509
Broker REF: 26668

Ascend Corporate Pty Ltd
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