Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution Holdings.

Business For Sale Sydney NSW Region, New South Wales

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Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution Holdings.

Interested in expanding your presence in the vibrant Australian Botanicalssector?

Here is a unique chance to acquire a range of well-established resources. These terrific assets are available as a combined package or in other suitable combinations. This is an unparalleled chance to acquire one or more operational holdings that can instantly enhance your related business operations.

The four resources are:

Australian Manufacturing Business

A full-service, contract manufacturing company. Services provided include white label production, R&D, formulation, filling, blending & packaging. Certification is held covering food safety, HACCP, cosmetic & organic standards. Northern NSW.

US Wholesale Business

A wholesale ingredient supplier based in California, USA. Providing plant-based products to health, wellness & beauty businesses. FDA-approved & organically certified for the distribution of natural ingredients.

Commercial Manufacturing Facility

A modern, purpose-built commercial building of sandstone construction. Appropriate for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, wellness & food products. Northern NSW.

Rural Production & Processing Facility

Processing, distribution & office administration facilities plus two dwellings. Around 250 acres including high-quality agricultural farmland suitable for herbal production etc. Northern NSW.


The Australian botanicals market is valued at over A$ 7 billion per annum with an annual growth projected at over 6%. The global botanicals market is estimated to already be in excess of US$ 110 billion with a similar growth path.


These valuable assets represent an exceptional opportunity to expand your presence or make a substantial entry into the Australian botanicals industry. A sector highly regarded as a source of organic & natural raw materials.

Listing ID: NSW11384

Broker: Richard Carter

The prospective buyer is required to make their own investigations and enquiries in relation to the business presented and not rely upon warranty or statement made within this advertisement, by the vendor or by any party on the vendor's behalf.

Stock photo images may be used to represent the business on an unidentified basis.

Keywords: manufacturing, processing, distribution, botanical, food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, agricultural, organic, medical, real estate, northern NSW.

Ref: NSW11384
Ref: NSW11384
Timestamp: XXXXXXXXXX 0004

Similar Businesses For Sale

This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.

Contact Seller
Richard Carter

Bsale ID: 644028
Broker REF: NSW11384

LINK New South Wales
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