Business Under Offer Brisbane, Queensland 4000
Business Category Aged Care Insurance Medical
Under Contract / Offer
Ndis Sil Business With Great Scope For Sale In Qld $59,000
There are around 4.3 million Australians who have a disability. Within the next five years, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will provide more than $22 billion in funding a year to an estimated 500,000 Australians who have permanent and significant disability. For many people, it will be the first time they receive the disability support they need.
The NDIS can provide all people with disability with information and connections to services in their communities such as doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.
This business is very scalable as it comes with 11 registration groups.
Ideal kick start for a motivated buyer to hit the ground running with all systems, software, websites, policy and procedures in place.
Registered from 2022
Registration certificate obtained
Mid-term audit done
No liabilities. Clean company. No participants
Low overheads
No fixed lease. Easy to relocate to your own office anywhere in Australia
Excellent Website
Well thought out registration groups and not easily obtained with new registrations
11 Registration scope/ groups:
0101 Accommodation /Tenancy Assistance
0102 Assistance to Access and maintain employment or higher Education
0106 Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports
0107 Assistance with daily personal activities
0108 Assistance with travel/transport arrangements
0115 Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement
0116 Innovative Community Participation
0117 Development of daily living and life skills
0120 Household Tasks
0125 Participation in community, social and civic activities
0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
This is a great turnkey business all set-up and ready to operate to start providing services to your participants today!
Asking price $59,000
Act now! Take this opportunity to the next level.
For a confidential discussion please contact Lev Khazhiner on XXXXXXXXXX
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