Reputable Fnq Concrete Construction Business

Business For Sale Cairns + Townsville QLD Region, Queensland

Business Category Engineering Manufacturer

$1,799,000 + SAV


Reputable Fnq Concrete Construction Business

Established and reputable construction company with experience across all areas of civil, commercial, mining, and industrial works with a proven track record specialising in all aspects of concrete, formwork, steel fixing, and excavation.

In addition to a team of qualified, competent, and professional employees, the business maintains a stock of quality equipment. This equipment is maintained to high standards to ensure efficiency and prevent potential environmental or safety hazards.

Plant is hired by a related entity and the option to continue this arrangement daily, weekly, monthly is available. Alternatively, there is the option to purchase the plant.

Business Highlights:
* Top-tier customer base
* Priority access to critical suppliers
* Enviable history of profitability
* Over $500k Equipment included
* Significant community involvement and Indigenous employer
* Genuine retirement sale

Key Financial Information:
Revenue: $3,304,588
PEBITDA: $1,107,332

Asking Price: $1,799,000 plus SAV plus WIP
Approx. Stock Value: $20,000
Business Broker: Ivan Carlse
Our Reference: NQ00062

To learn more about this unique opportunity and receive the Information Memorandum, please complete a quick online confidentiality agreement by clicking the navy ENQUIRE NOW button on LINK's website.

Keywords: North Queensland, Far North Queensland, Cairns, Townsville, construction, infrastructure, civil construction, commercial construction, industrial construction, concrete

Ref: NQ00062
Ref: NQ00062
Timestamp: XXXXXXXXXX 3002

Similar Businesses For Sale

This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.

Contact Seller

Bsale ID: 650459
Broker REF: NQ00062

LINK Sunshine Coast and North Queensland
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