Retail - Wholesale - Butcher - Butcher - Chicken - Wholesale And Retail - Mid North Coast

Business For Sale New South Wales

Business Category Butcher and Deli



Retail - Wholesale - Butcher - Butcher - Chicken - Wholesale And Retail - Mid North Coast

Retail - Wholesale - Butcher - North Coast - Agent SBX Code Number: CB1445

Retail butcher selling a full range of quality meat cuts and fresh chickens - Excellent and attractive showcasing of the various meats from the large display counter - A thriving high volume fresh chicken wholesale side of the business comprises 75% of sales, with regular deliveries to retail outlets in this high growth region. - The rear preparation area, in the adjoining shop, houses the large walkin refrigeration capacity and has access to rear loading area.

Create website. Target social media. Examine free range/organic options. Expand wholesale delivery areas.

Long established. Strong local support. Excellent wholesale sales. - Great position on main street. Good lease. - Large regional sales delivery area.- High growth regional rural and seaside towns.

Premises comprises two adjoining brick shops in excellent condition in established arcade with an area of 140 sq. mts.

Prominent position on front corner of busy arcade, with frontage to main road, in bustling mid North Coast seaside town.

Trading Hours
5.5 days, Monday to Friday 6.00 am to 5.00 pm. Saturday 6.00 am to 12.30 pm.

New 3 + 3 + 3 year lease available - C.P.I.Increases.

2 owners ( 1 butcher and 1 Manager) + 1 full timer + 2 part timers + 1 casual.

Misc.- 1 = Motor vehicle expenses, Misc.- 2 = Merchant fees ($90) packing & supplies ($200) freight ($50). One owner (butcher) wages added back, with one owner (manager), wages included in financials. One owner is prepared to continue if desired. Included in sale is 2018 Izuzu refrigerated truck.

Agent SBX Code Number: CB1445 - Sydney Business Exchange

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This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.

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SBX Business Brokers

Bsale ID: 591364
Broker REF: CB1445

SBX Business Brokers
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