Business Sold BS5863, Sydney, New South Wales 2000
Business Category Building and Construction Civil-Construction
Sold! Civil Engineering Consulting Firm - Sydney
Business ID: BS5863
T/O 1.3M Fees Owners Income $ 540,000 pa. Secure 3 Sector Industry Income Sources.
The original business was started over 30 years ago, concentrating around Western Sydney. The business involves the structural design and supervision of mainly residential property and civil works in connection with residential subdivisions, including the important landscaping works critical to large scale housing estates. Clients include Major Large Land Holders, Local Councils, Insurance Companies, Developers/Builders, Architects, Estate Agents and Strata Corporations. The firm has the benefit of three separate industry sources of clients to ensure a steady income stream in the event of a downturn in one or other industry.
-Established 20 years
-Niche Market
-High Margins
-History of Profits
-3 Separate Income Streams
-Growth Potential
-Can be run Under Management
-No Sales Force Required
The owner is prepared to remain for a reasonable period to ensure a smooth transition of the client base to the new owner.
The GM of the business is staying with the business and has the client liaison so this business can be acquired by an investor or a professional consulting civil engineering firm to bolt on to its existing clients and to take advantage of the three separate income sources.
Asking Price: $650,000 for the assets and Goodwill of the business.
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