Business For Sale Perth, Western Australia 6000
Business Category Clothing Accessories General Retail Websites and Online Businesses Working from Home Businesses
Successful Online Fashion Store
Successful established online business that is ready to be taken to the next level.
Established in 2016, John Taylor Watches has a large customer base and social media following.
All the hard work has been done with a proven range of products, a strong online presence and an easy to run business model requiring NO prior experience.
Key Features Include:
- Professional eCommerce website with a responsive layout, quality products and images, shipping configuration and secure payment options.
- Strong established accounts across Shopify, Amazon, Afterpay, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Large newsletter audience and loyal customer base.
- Great reputation with stock currently in numerous stores and excellent market potential across Australia & New Zealand.
- No experience needed, can be operated from the comfort of your own home and in the hours of your choice.
The online retail industry is growing year over year after unprecedented growth in 2020 so take advantage of the current retail online boom and hit the ground running. Training offered as needed for the successful buyer.
Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity, which does not come often.
Selling due to a change in our family situation.
Price: $50,000 NEG includes $22K stock.
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