Business For Sale Sydney, New South Wales 2000
Business Category
Transport - Boats - Interstate - Relocatable - Transport - Boats - Interstate - Relocatable -sydney South
Transport - Boats - Interstate - Relocatable - Southern Highlands - Agent SBX Code Number: CB1490
Transport business, established for over 50 years, specialising in high end marine transportation services for boat owners across Australia. The business has built up an enviable reputation for reliability and safe delivery of large cruisers and yachts, and provides services to all destinations across the nation. Boats up to 50 feet can be transported, with oversized vessels accommodated by employing customized variable width trailers. Included in the sale are Volvo FH520 and FH440 prime movers and 3 custom - built trailers, including 1 standard, 1 widening and 1 lengthening with capacity to handle vessels up to 4.5m beam. The vehicles, trailers and equipment are currently valued over $500,000. The prime movers have had a relatively stress- free life as loads rarely exceed 20 tonnes. All licenses and necessary equipment are in place, and the vendor offers an extended period for transition. The business is preferred carrier for a major boat manufacturer and has a contract with a major federal government department. The business is currently located in the Southern Highlands, and is easily relocable as required.
Agent SBX Code Number: CB1490 - Sydney Business Exchange
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