Business Sold BS143457, Sydney, New South Wales 2000
Business Category Advertising Mkting Computer IT
Under Offer! Fast Growing Website Development And Online Advertising Company For Sale
T/O $592,755 p.a. Owner's Income $283,000 p.a. 47.74 %!!!
T/O $592,755 p.a. Owner's Income $283,000 p.a. 47.74 %!!!
The business was established four years ago as an online marketing and advertising agency focusing on creating high-quality websites for businesses which are designed to generate revenue for their clients. The company also specialises in providing these clients with on-going monthly advertising campaigns on Google and Social Media platforms as well as other online marketing channels.
-Established 4 years
-Stands out of the Crowd
-History of Profits
-Great “Bolt On”
-Successful Overseas Staff Team
-Proven Track Record of Referrals
The owner is prepared to consider remaining as a consultant and help the company to continue to grow, on terms to be agreed.
This company's innovate services and proven track-record of success allows them to stand out from the crowd of competitors. It would make a perfect "bolt on" for any agency in digital marketing to improve their revenue, services and performance.
Asking Price: $535,000 for the assets and goodwill of the company. Stock is not included and will be valued at cost at settlement date. It is current estimated at $15,000.
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