Business Sold BS143182, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Business Category Medical Medical Practice
Under Offer! Well-established General Practice For Sale - North Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
Business ID: BS143182
Net Profit $280K+ Sale Price $585,000
This practice was established in 1978 and has provided quality medical service to a large and loyal patient base. Occupying well-maintained and attractive premises comprising 6 consulting rooms, treatment room, pathology room and 15 onsite car spaces. There are 4 doctors supported by a part time practice nurse and part time and full time reception and administration staff.
The practice has shown sound financial performance over its life and there are further opportunities for growth for a younger ownership.
-Established over 40 years
-Large and loyal patient base
-Principal and 3 contracted doctors
-Beautifully-appointed premises with room to grow
-Ideal for a younger owner/operator or investor
10% on signing of unconditional contract and remainder on settlement. Owner is willing to stay with practice for an agreed time period.
This is a superior practice with plenty of upsides
Asking Price: Practice: $585,000 + SAV; Property: Above $1.9 million
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This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.