Wood Fire Pizzeria / Italian Restaurant
Current takings $10,000-$10,500 weekly
Successful long-established business
Located in local Greensborough retail strip
Surrounded by housing with no direct opposition
Trades 6 days, Closed Monday
Rental $480 weekly plus outgoings
Lease 20 years (5+5+5+5 from August 2024)
Low overheads operation
Fully licensed premises
Seats 32 in / 14 out
Potential to operate as a day Café
Operated by 1 owner + 7 casual employees
No deliveries or delivery platforms
Vendor selling after 10 years
Lots of room for improvement
Ideal business for a couple or Chef
Inspection recommended
Asking Price $158,000 + Stock
Call Mino for further information
This business is exclusively listed with BPA Business Brokers
Our Ref: 8011