3 tips to build a successful business

by 5th of July, 2019


Bank executives & our politicians love getting up on their pedestals proclaiming, to whomever will listen, how much they love & support SME’s in Australia.
? Small business is the backbone of this country!
? Small & medium enterprise is the great employer giving the Aussie battler a job!
? Entrepreneurs are our future!
It’s all true! But here’s the rub; if you want to be successful, it’s up to you . . . your smarts & your
It’s been tough the past couple of years for SMEs. But if you believe in your business, believe in
your dream then now is the time for you to think outside the box & get a bit bolshie . . . be
determined, focused & tenacious about your next level of success.
Do you need extra capital to fuel your growth? Whether it’s buying a new business or growing
the one you have, there are lenders beyond the major banks out there who are agile & see the
merit of lending for a solid business enterprise. They will look at your potential rather than (just)
your past. They will focus on “character” & “capacity” as well as “collateral” (you can refer to my 5
C’s article in April for more detail) so that your ability to borrow is not so reliant on just bricks &
mortar assets as security.
What do you need to do? It’s all about planning, focus, patience & the right support network.
? So let’s start with planning. The upside of the downward trend in property is that it looks like
we’ve reached the bottom. This makes it a good time to invest to build your capital position
over time. The other rather fortunate event for borrowers is that as interest rates are at an all
time low with further cuts forecast! This means that the burden of repayment is lower & your
margin for profit is greater. It is something to take advantage of & leverage over time.
? Then there’s focus. Find your target customers & be the best-in-class in your sector. When
your reputation starts to precede you, the customers will be knocking at your door. The trick is
to stop focusing on profits & put the client at the centre of your innovation & strategy. To
paraphrase Steve Jobs; You need to start with a good customer experience & work your way
backwards to a good product. The money will soon follow.
? Finally, patience. There are very few overnight success stories. Most success comes from
thorough planning, good strategy, lots of hard work & patience. As long as you know you have
a good product or service that is required in the market, then work hard & smart. Continue to
innovate & tweak your product as demand requires.
What my client can expect from me! First, I will listen to you! We will talk through your
challenges & your aspirations . . . . there’s really nothing like a good brainstorming session to bring
out brilliant ideas & ways to implement your strategy to differentiate you from the crowd. We will
work together to structure & negotiate a funding solution for your business that works well for your
future growth. When we know what you need, I will find you a funding partner who will support your

I’ve also realised the importance of a strong network & I’m happy to introduce my clients to people
who can help in areas outside my expertise. I have access to diverse business partners who will be
happy to give you the advice you need & help you with investment planning & business strategies.
If this article inspires you & provokes you into action, then call me today. At Clear Options
Finance we pride ourselves on a consultative approach with our clients where your business is our
business & your success is our success.

To arrange a free 1 hour consultation with Clear Options Finance call 0478 732 343 or email
[email protected] me with your questions & a convenient time to call you!