More Than a Sporting Chance - The Game Sports Simulator

by 21st of March, 2021



It’s not everyday you can enter into the burgeoning sports training business for under $60,000.

The Game Sports Simulators offers us this rare opportunity, with the BatFast Simulator, the only cricket and baseball system in South Australia.

A quantum leap forward from the humble batting cages used by baseball teams in the past, the BatFast Simulator can be adjusted to pitch baseballs or bowl cricket balls, with variable speeds ranging from 30km per hour to a lightning quick 144 kmph - enough to keep even professional batters on their toes. As sports training becomes more technology-driven, a machine like this is an asset; moreso considering this is the only such simulator in South Australia.

The 300-ball continuous feeder means you can just set and forget, perfect for those professionals looking for a vigorous training session without the fuss of reloading a ball machine.

It’s not just for professionals, though. The BatFast Simulator can deliver soft and hard balls, making it perfect for kid parties or as a novelty game at a local fair, as a training tool for local sports teams, or as an impressive addition to an existing arcade-style business. 

All the equipment is included in the sale, along with a month-long training course to ensure the buyer is ready to hit the ground running.

The potential is there to either operate as a portable events business, to lease it to a professional sporting club, or to set up in a permanent location for public use. The flexibility of this business is an obvious drawcard.

“The business is an ideal opportunity for any sports lover looking to earn an income with their passion for the sports industry,” current owner Stuart Ats says.

“There are options to either run the business full time and expand, use it as a second income stream or even add on to an existing hospitality or indoor sports business.”
Currently, the simulator is at X-Golf Marion, with a revenue sharing deal already in place - perfect for if you just want a hands-off business with steady revenue and no further operational hassles. 

The BatFast Simulator brings in $20-30,000 a year; considering all the equipment is worth $80,000, and the uniqueness of the machine, this business offers great potential in the indoor entertainment arena or as a travelling amusement.  

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