State by State What Businesses Can Re-Open

South Australia
South Australian Premier Steven Marshall has announced the easing of restrictions in SA this week, with businesses already implementing the new changes. Though many businesses are still unable to open.
- Outdoor dining for cafes and restaurants, maximum of 10 people at a time.
- Reopen university and TAFE tutorials, public libraries, pools, churches and community halls.
- Local government libraries
- Regional travel, campgrounds & caravan parks
- Auctions and open inspections
- Funerals will be able to have 20 people at indoor ceremonies, or 30 outdoors, in addition to those officiating.
The reopening of cinemas, seated dining, galleries, museums and gyms for groups of up to 20 people is planned for June 8.
> businesses for sale in South Australia
Cafes and restaurants remain 'takeaway only' but may reopen for seated eating in June after Victoria has completed its 3 weeks blitz on COVID-19 testing. Many workers are encouraged to continue working from home.
Victoria entered Stage One on Tuesday. Residents are now allowed to have five guests in their homes and gather outside for recreational activities such as fishing and physical activities in groups of up to 10.
"We are very close to finalising a plan to see face-to-face learning return before the end of Term 2," said Mr Andrews, MP.
Update on restrictions in Victoria:
— Dan Andrews (@DanielAndrewsMP) May 11, 2020
The Government has announced its 3 step roadmap to re-open Australia. With each state responsible for implementing these changes. There are different rules on a state by state basis. Its important business owners are aware of these changes and abide by the rules that govern their state and industry to avoid any fines.
Most states are moving into stage one this week, with WA and NT planning to move into stage two as early as next week. These stages will have a huge impact on businesses by allowing people to go back to work and reopen. Some businesses feel they are not yet viable with only a 10 person limit for dine-in at most cafes and restaurants.
You can view the Governments plan here: 3 STEP FRAMEWORK FOR COVIDSAFE AUSTRALIA
Here is the state by state break down of the stages and how they may affect your business.
> businesses for sale in Victoria
New South Wales
According to Premier Gladys Berejiklian announcement this week. Starting Friday 15 May, the following will be allowed in NSW. The state will enter stage one though will not be following all measures.
- Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people
- Cafes and restaurants can seat 10 patrons at any one time
- Up to 5 visitors to a household at any one time
- Weddings up to 10 guests
- Indoor funerals up to 20 mourners, outdoor funerals up to 30
- Religious gatherings/places of worship up to 10 worshippers
- Use of outdoor equipment with caution
- Outdoor pools open with restriction
New South Wales will not follow the National Cabinet's plan to permit local and regional travel. The premier stating " it's too soon to let people take regional holidays."
This week, NSW schools returned to face to face learning, with students attending for one day a week. This is expected to increase in the coming weeks.
Further easing of restrictions in NSW from Friday.
— Gladys Berejiklian (@GladysB) May 10, 2020
> businesses for sale in New South Wales
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has already outlined the states plan to work through the 3 stages outlined by the Government. The state will enter stage one on Thursday 15 May, stage two on 12 June and stage three on 10 July.
From this weekend, cafés, restaurants, pubs, clubs and RSLs can open for a maximum of 10 people at a time. Up to 20 locals can dine-in in outback areas where there's no one in quarantine. More info: #qldjobs #coronavirus
— Annastacia Palaszczuk (@AnnastaciaMP) May 13, 2020
Family, friends and community
> Gatherings in homes (max 5 visitors, allowed from separate households)
> Gatherings of up to 10 people:
> outdoor, non-contact activity
> personal training > pools (indoor and outdoor)
> public spaces and lagoons* (e.g. South Bank Parklands, Cairns, Airlie Beach etc)
> parks, playground equipment, skate parks and outdoor gyms
> libraries
> weddings
> hiking and other recreational activities in national and state parks
> places of worship and religious ceremonies
> Funerals (max 20 indoors or 30 outdoors)
> Recreational travel (max 150kms within your region for day trips)
Businesses and economy
> Retail shopping
> 10 people permitted at any one time for:
> dining in: restaurants, cafés, pubs, registered and licensed clubs, RSL clubs and hotels (with COVID SAFE Checklist) – no bars or gaming
> open homes and auctions
> beauty therapy and nail salons (with COVID SAFE Checklist)
> Dining in:restaurants, cafés, pubs, registered and licensed clubs, RSL clubs and hotels (max 20) for locals only (must show proof of residence) – no bars or gaming
> Recreational travel (500kms within the outback if you live in the outback).
> businesses for sale in Queensland
With thousands of Queensland businesses preparing to reopen their doors this weekend, there are questions over who'll enforce new relaxed restrictions. In the outback, taps in some pubs will open for the first time in weeks. @JoelDry7 #7NEWS
— 7NEWS Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) May 13, 2020
Western Australia
Western Australia will become the first state to enter stage two from next week. Many of the stage one measures have already been implemented.
- Cafes and restaurants will also be allowed to seat up to 20 people
- Gyms, libraries will be allowed for up to 20 people
- Workers are encouraged to return to work
- Indoor weddings will be allowed 20 people, and outdoor weddings will be permitted to have up to 30 people.
- Gatherings of up to 20 people will be permitted in public spaces, this is including indoor gyms and non-contact sports with a limit of 20 people.
- Playgrounds and skate parks will remain closed under Western Australia's stage two
- Schools are open.
> businesses for sale in Western Australia
The new phase will come into effect from Monday, 18 May, giving businesses and families time to plan accordingly and includes:
— Mark McGowan (@MarkMcGowanMP) May 10, 2020
- Indoor and outdoor non-work gatherings lifted to 20 people
- People are encouraged to return to work, unless they are unwell or vulnerable
Northern Territory
The NT has outlined the dates for its implementation of the 3 stages. It is currently in stage one, with plans to enter stage two on Friday, May 15. Stage three on June 5.
Businesses must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan to show how you will meet your requirements around the key principles of physical distancing and hygiene practices.
"If you are a Northern Territory (NT) business or organisation that has been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, the NT Government has created steps to help you restart your business while managing your safety responsibilities around coronavirus (COVID-19)."
COVID-19 Safety Plan checklist
Stage two is anticipated to commence 12pm on 15 May 2020. In stage two you can:
- Serve and consume food or beverages in a shopping centre food court.
- Operate and attend restaurants, cafes.
- Operate and attend a bar, sports or RSL club (alcohol allowed with the consumption of food), excluding gaming activities.
- Participate in organised training activities for sporting clubs and teams.
- Operate or attend an indoor market.
- Operate or attend a beauty therapy salon for (non facial) services, such as nails, massage and tanning.
- Operate or attend a studio that provides yoga, Pilates, Zumba, barre, dance classes.
- Operate or attend physical training activities indoors such as Cross Fit.
- Operate and attend a gymnasium.
- Visit a public library or a toy library, or indoor playground.
- Operate and attend a place used for religious worship.
- Attend an art gallery, museum, public memorial, public historic site, zoo or wildlife facility.
> businesses for sale in Northern Territory
- Social distancing must be maintained.
- Gather in groups of 10, indoors or outdoors.
- 20 people can attend indoor funerals or 30 for outdoor funerals.
- 10 person limit at religious gatherings, including ceremonies and places of worship.
- Outdoor physical training can have 10 people attend at a safe distance but fitness equipment can not be shared.
- Open homes and auctions can proceed in the ACT, with a maximum of 10 people.
Answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about recent changes to #COVID19 public health restrictions in the ACT.
— Andrew Barr MLA (@ABarrMLA) May 8, 2020
Further changes consistent with the National Cabinet framework will be announced next week.
Restrictions for Tasmania started to ease on Monday.
- Public gatherings will increase to 10 people, including for real estate purposes, religious meetings and weddings.
- Visits to aged care facilities will be eased, allowing no more than two people to visit once per week.
- Funeral limits have risen from 10 to 20.
> businesses for sale in Tasmania
"The reason that we're opening things up again is not because the virus has beaten. The virus is still out there. It hasn't gone anywhere. It is still out there. There may be only 700 or so active cases in Australia now, but Australia is still very much at risk. The reason we're reopening is we've put protections in place and it will take us some time to reopen our economy and get it back to a point where it can start supporting Australians again." said, Scott Morrison.
We wish businesses all the best over the coming weeks and months re-opening!
About the author

Vanessa Lovie
CEO Bsale Australia
Vanessa is the current manager and CEO of Bsale Australia. Over the past 11 years as a business owner, she understands what it takes to grow a ...