Annette Densham

Writer \ Journalist \ Storyteller

Words have always intrigued Annette Densham. From the moment she could hold a book, she loved nothing more than immersing in stories of adventure and mystery. When it came time to choose a career, it was a natural pathway for her curious and creative mind to venture into the world of media, where her inquisitive nature could delve into other people's stories. With over 30 years in media, corporate communications and public relations, Annetter loves nothing more than asking lots of questions to uncover the incredible stories out there. These days, she taps into these stories to help entrepreneurs and business people build strong, engaging public profiles using business awards and strategic PR plans. Together with her partner in shine at The Audacious Agency, Annette works hard, dropping tasty storytelling breadcrumbs that help clients connect with their audience and build powerful social proof.

Published Articles

Nailing Business Awards in 2023

Nailing Business Awards in 2023

Annette Densham26 January 2023

Let us count the ways. There’s so many ways to promote your business, it can be overwhelming. Working out the best tactics to get your business in front of prospective clients, so they know who you are and what you do, can take as much time as actually... Read More ยป 5 min read

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