49% Net Return P.a – $900k Net Profit – 2-person Footprint - Established 27 Years

Business For Sale Brisbane QLD Region, Queensland

Business Category Export Food Beverage Manufacturer

49% Net return p.a. – $900k Net profit – 2-person footprint - Established 27 years


49% Net Return P.a – $900k Net Profit – 2-person Footprint - Established 27 Years

Established premium seafood products with global market reach. 74% growth over the last 3 years with only 2 owner/operators. Immediate opportunities are available for increased returns with the ability to elevate production and release new products. Currently operating from a purpose-built facility constructed in 2022, with a loyal customer base of 50+ and no Sales staff or marketing campaign conducted to date, this business has exceptional potential and futures.

Key Benefits:

• Strong Financials, with 49% Net return P.A and low overheads ensuring a solid financial foundation.
• Exceptional Potential, 74% growth in 3 years (24.6% YOY average). Immediate opportunity for increased production and the release of additional products.
• Multiple Untapped markets in Taiwan, Korea and Europe.
• Established 27 years of successful operation.
• Premium Products, high-end seafood products known for their exceptional quality.
• Global Reach, registered export business with a strong international and domestic market presence.
• Loyal customer base, over 50 longstanding customers.
• Established reputation, almost three decades of industry presence and a reputation for excellence.
• Streamlined operations, efficient operations that ensure a low-weight business model, operated by only 2 owner/operators.
• Purpose built facility, 630m2 high-end facility with new cold storage and processing equipment.

Suit family business model.

Contact Paul Vamvakaris for additional information.


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This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.

Contact Seller
Paul Vamvakaris

Bsale ID: 643528

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