Business For Sale Sydney, New South Wales 2000
Business Category
Licence To Profit $83,000 Per Month Approx And Awaiting To Greatly Expand Sydney
Profitable food manufacturing and distribution ability to expand immediately.
Ideal proposition for an astute business person to take this business to the next level. No specialised skills required, minimal running cost. Currently offering a proven, easy profitable system.
Well established distribution business specialising in quality natural and organic products, roasted edamame beans snacks, hot sauces, jams, relishes, protein puffs, spices, sodas and desserts made from the finest and freshest all-natural produce. Suppliers use NO preservatives, colourants, MSG, or pectin (NO ARTIFICIAL ANYTHING) in their products. holding rights and partnerships with internationally recognized brands for distribution in Australia and New Zealand, providing you with a competitive edge in a booming demanding market.
This exceptional, lucrative and secure going concern is well established and is showing excellent current growth and bright profitable future prospects. It is situated within New Zealand and is offering the license distribution and promote to Australia wide with no ongoing fees.
This is an international business and can be operated from any other state.
This is a tremendous opportunity with a diverse client base and strong trading history that offers easy to manage and ready to expand with high profits.
Currently servicing both New Zealand local & national markets with strong potential to expand on existing national market.Ideal proposition for an entrepreneur to take this business to the next level. Full support & training pre and post settlement.
Amazingly streamlined and efficient operations, systems, and procedures in place, producing packed, sealed and ready to stack shipped to Australian port with third party delivered to pre order suppliers.
Solid customer base, established supply chains, and an efficient business model in place.
Currently supplying 40 ft shipping container, every two months approximately with a profit margin of $83,000 approximately per container. 100% profit approx.
This is only in its early beginning with other major supermarkets reviewing products and preparing to order (Woolworths, Metcash, Food Works and IGA).
This opportunity holds immense potential. Don't miss out on this chance to own a thriving distribution business .
All elements of this enterprise run efficiently together and overall this is a very tidy and profitable enterprise with the infrastructure already in place to enable a new owner to grow the business and take it to the next level in a multitude of different ways, including but not limited to Increasing market share in the food manufacturing and supply sector.
Highlights:Exclusive license /rights Australia wide and partnerships with renowned brands.
Established since 2018 with ongoing growth. Our suppliers are constantly working on expanding their ranges/flavours.
All our suppliers are equipped to supply to the following industries.
Cruise Ships
Retirement homes
Fitness Centre
Vending Machines
All major super markets
Ranging overseas outside of Australia and New Zealand.
Sourcing new products from new suppliers to meet category-ranging demands.
Expanding current range within New Zealand / Australia / Global
The distribution network includes collaborations with major players such as
Harris Farm Markets Australia
Woolworths Australia (April 2024)
Costco Australia and New Zealand
Metcash Australia (IGA, Foodland ++)
Woolworths stores New Zealand
FreshChoice stores New Zealand
SuperValue stores New Zealand
New World stores New Zealand
Pac n Save stores New Zealand
4Square stores New Zealand
Buy2Sell Vietnam / Asia (under negotiation / close to finalising)
Independent Stores
South African Stores / Health Stores / Keto online / Specialty.
Whether you're an experienced distributor looking to expand your portfolio or a newcomer looking for a profitable venture, this opportunity holds immense potential. Don't miss out on this chance to own a thriving distribution business in the booming demanding market.
The financial information and statements relating to the above business has been prepared based solely on the information supplied by the vendor to Network Infinity and therefore Network Infinity and the agent/broker does not guarantee the accuracy of such statements and financial information. Network Infinity will not be liable for such statements and financial information. Network Infinity strongly recommends all prospective buyers to this business to seek its own independent accounting, legal and financial advice and conducts its own due diligence of the business. Image used only for illustrative purpose to protect seller's privacy. It is in no way representative
of the actual business or it's products.
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