Professional Apiary - Definitely The Next Level Up

Business For Sale North Island, North Island 0

Business Category Food Beverage Manufacturer

$4,300,000 + Stock (plus GST if any)


Professional Apiary - Definitely The Next Level Up

It is an honour to represent this very professional apiary business located in sunny Northland. To risk an overused euphemism, this business does genuinely tick all the boxes.

Located in a stunning rural setting, a lot of thought has been put into building and developing this commercial property - allowing for a very functional operation complete with the latest plant and equipment.

Currently running 2,500 hives, there is lots of room in the 960m2 (approx.) building and approximately 6.5ha property to scale this business up very quickly, and with additional hives added, you would be building it to become one of the North’s premium apiaries in the coming years. Pollination also plays a big part of this business's income. Very reliable Beekeeping staff and the use of a great operational IT system makes running this apiary a definite pleasure.

With Comvita publishing their highest ever export volumes of honey last year, and the UK now opening their market up to NZ Manuka Honey, the apiary industry is again going to become the financial nectar for the astute purchaser who enjoys the outdoors lifestyle.

This business has been very kind financially to the Vendors and they have plans to take a step back and enjoy the rewards the business has provided, but they would be keen to remain in the business in a management role or advisor capacity.

Our vendor's negotiable asking price:
Property: $2,250,000
Tangible assets: $1,300,000
Intangible Assets: $750,000
Stock: Discretionary - can be purchased as required
Total: $4,300,000 - plus stock
The property could also be available to lease instead of purchase.

If you are keen to move forward to reap the rewards of this business, please visit XXXXXXXXXX , register your details and submit the online Confidentiality Agreement. Once Mike receives your expression of interest he will be in touch.

Licensed REAA 2008. Copyright Barker Business Brokerage 2025.

Property Code: 1183

Similar Businesses For Sale

This business is somewhat unique and has no similar competition in this region, category or price bracket.

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Bsale ID: 609286
Broker REF: barker_49_109

Barker Business Brokerage
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