Regional Mitre 10 Hardware Business For Sale

Business For Sale Perth, Western Australia 6000

Business Category Franchise Business Opportunities



Regional Mitre 10 Hardware Business For Sale

Established over 30 years, this profitable and well-diversified Business operates in a unique niche market, thus enjoying high demand for its vast range of quality products and services.

It is coupled with a strong reputation in the local community, evidenced by over 1800 loyalty reward clients. This existing goodwill and committed customer base provide a solid foundation for ongoing business and further growth and expansion.

Critical Points to Understand:
Over 30 Years of proven results
One of the largest diversified suppliers
Low staff levels and complexity
Quality products and services
Self-propelled increasing sales and growth
Expansion opportunities
Niche market differentiation.

It’s a well-established, specialised, diverse hardware supplies business that is the go-to supplier for many residents, agriculture, and farming businesses.

With its sights on excellent customer service and prompt delivery, this well-known local business has enjoyed organic growth and increasing momentum without employing sales reps or undertaking targeted marketing campaigns, meaning an opportunity for an increase in market potential for the new Owner.

Trusted Reputation
The ability to source and stock specialised, high-quality brands backed up with in-house expertise and knowledge delivered on time and within budget ensures a steady flow of constant new Business, repeat orders, and regular referrals. It’s proof of its reliability and trustworthiness.

Stability In Diversity
An extensive specialised product range coupled with a diverse client mix means this Business is not reliant on one key client to generate ongoing revenue.

Moreover, an impressive 100 plus accounts and 1800 loyalty reward clients, many of whom are on a standing repeat order basis, are testaments to happy clients. If you spread these sales over a wide range of products, it becomes a formula that’s hard to beat.

Unlike some competitors, it grows organically through its customer service, systems, and specialised products, ensuring a dominant local market position.

Competitive Edge
Serving rural and country clients for over 30 years with unique and in-demand products backed up with streamlined systems, expert knowledge, and service has continued sustainable growth year after year.

Reputation, word of mouth and an understanding of exceptional service, speedy delivery, and quality products are the secret formulae for over thirty years of consistent growth and profits.

Untapped Potential
As mentioned, this Business has only needed to meet organic demand to generate its revenue results. As a result, it has not capitalised on the vast growth potential of countless additional products and services. Nor has it embarked on any major marketing campaigns, trade shows, sales reps, or even social media advertising.

Genuine Reason for Sale
The Owners want to retire and hand the Business to someone who wants to continue the current 30-year momentum and take advantage of the vast untapped market and opportunities.

The Ownership Transition
The new owner should possess some administrative experience, but specific industry knowledge is not essential. With the support of the current owner during the post-settlement training period and assistance from cross-trained staff when needed, the day-to-day operations can be quickly learned and managed effectively.

We have prepared a full-colour Detailed Business Report to share this rare opportunity.

DON’T DELAY – register your interest by clicking on the “email me” link at the top right-hand corner or the bottom of the screen.

Please note that these business details are highly confidential. As a result – we will share no information over the phone. Therefore, you must sign a Confidentiality Agreement before reviewing the marketing report.
Contact Seller
Glen Michaelides

Bsale ID: 643025
Broker REF: PS 012409/21

Performance Business Sales Pty Ltd
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