370 Supermarket for Sale in Australia

Results 301-320 of 370

On Bsale you can find supermarkets for sale. Whether you're looking for a local IGA, FoodWorks, Indian grocer, Asian store, Green Grocer or other speciality supermarkets, Bsale has opportunities for you. 

You can find supermarkets for sale in CBD locations and regional country towns in Australia. One of the biggest expenses in buying a supermarket is the stock value. When you purchase a supermarket there will be a stock take conducted and a value assigned during the settlement period. You may buy a supermarket or grocery store as a leasehold or freehold sale. 

Ready to buy a business? View what’s available on Bsale today. Register for alerts to save your results. 

We share some of the most common questions about buying a supermarket for sale in Australia.

On Bsale we have a range of supermarkets and convenience stores for sale such as; IGA, FoodWorks, 7-Eleven, Friendly Grocer, Liquorland, Asian grocery stores, Indian grocery stores, Middle Eastern grocery stores and more. 

Bsale has supermarkets, grocery and convenience stores listed for sale starting at $100,000 through to $3,800,000. There are a range of supermarkets available across Australia, at varying price points. A lot of supermarkets will also be selling their stock to the new owner, commonly referred to as SAV or stock at value. This may be included in the asking price, though is usually an additional cost.

If this is your first time buying a supermarket you should read our guide:

> Your essential guide to buying a business.

Supermarkets make a profit by selling large quantities of everyday foods and household items. A supermarket will see many repeat customers who return week after week for their grocery shop. Some supermarkets also have a butcher, bakery and delicatessen within the store to increase their profit margin. Typically, supermarkets across Australia are making anywhere between 25% - 32% in profit from sales per year.

Supermarket owners in regional areas of Australia are making $2,100 in net profit per week. In metro capital cities, some supermarket owners are seeing profits over $750,000 per annum.

You can search for supermarkets for sale via your town, region or state to see what is currently for sale. Here are our top search results:

> Supermarkets for Sale Sydney

> Supermarkets for Sale Melbourne

>  Supermarkets for Sale Brisbane

>  Supermarkets for Sale Perth

>  Supermarkets for Sale Adelaide

>  Supermarkets for Sale Canberra

>  Supermarkets for Sale Hobart


Signup for alerts and be notified when new supermarkets are listed for sale. 

> Register for Buyer Alerts

You have the option of selling your supermarket or convenience store privately or by engaging a professional business broker. At Bsale we have put together some resources to help guide you:

> Guide to Selling a Business in Australia

> Guide to Choosing a Business Broker

> Sell a Business Online

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