Understand your Buying Capacity

There's no point enquiring about a business for sale until you understand your buying capacity. Your ability to purchase a $300,000 or $2 mil business is greatly affected by your ability to source capital or finance. We have developed the Winquote Check. In under 20min understand your buying capacity and the value of businesses you could be looking at. 

Capacity Check: $49 +GST

Understand your buying capacity


Don't waste time looking at businesses you cant afford!

The number of deals that fall through because of finance would stop you in your tracks. The endless phone calls, communication, money to lawyers, due diligence, all to get to the last phase and find out - your loan was denied.

Understand your capacity before you waste all that time and energy.


The Winquote Check


Establishing your buying capacity at the very start of your business journey is important. 

We live in an era where people are looking to change careers, have extra equity in their homes, want to expand their current business or are just ready to leave town and buy a country bakery. Covid fired up the change and we are here for it!

Bsale has teamed up with Winquote to deliver you the 'Winquote Check' 


Vijay Reddy Winquote FInance

Vijay Reddy
Abishek - Winquote FInance

Abhishek Maharaj

Winquote are premier business sales, mergers and acquisition experts. They have helped source finance for major business deals across Australia and work with leading business brokers.

When they look at your financial situation, they can help you understand realistically what your options are.

In business, there is always a difference between dreams and reality. When buying a business you need to be firmly planted in reality, and not daydreaming of million-dollar paychecks when your bank account looks a bit dry. Understanding the complexities of obtaining finances specific to mergers and acquisitions places Winquote in a unique position


What's Involved? 

Step 1: Process payment

Step 2: Winquote will call you

Step 3: Receive Guides and Checklists

Step 4: Receive 'Winquote badge'

Time Frame: 7 Days. 

> Read FAQ's

What's Included?

  • 15min phone call with a finance expert to assess your situation
  • Guide on how to prepare your finances to buy a business
  • Checklist on what a seller needs to provide you
  • Professional advice on what level of business you could look to buy
  • Advice on loan options vs home equity vs savings
  • Get the 'Winquote badge' so sellers know you are serious to buy.  


    Capacity Check: $49 +GST



Dreams vs Reality

You can share your financial situation, and your business dream - Winquote can help you determine where the options lie.

Do you have the capacity for a $600,000 cafe or are you better suited to a smaller $100,000 owner-operator? 

If you're a company looking at an acquisition, do you have the borrowing capacity to obtain a $1,000,000 loan? What is needed to make the application more favourable, so that when you do find that opportunity to acquire a competitor - you are ready to run for it. 


We are talking about mergers and acquisitions - not home loans. 

When applying for a business loan there is a higher level of risk involved. The lender needs to know you can operate the business, continue to grow it and that they have something to fall back on if things go wrong. How you present the application matters. 



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The lender will assess your skills and your financial situation... 


Whether you look to buy a $300,000 cafe or a $2,000,000 transportation business, the picture you paint to the lender matters. 

Enquiring about a $2,000,000 transport business when you only have $100,000 in the bank, no home equity, and no experience in the transport industry - probably won't get you very far. Except to annoy the vendors for the time you have wasted. 

Discussing your experience and financial situation with an expert can help you to understand where you are at, and how you can achieve your business goals. Perhaps buying a $200,000 courier business is a better move. Obtaining $100,000 loan for the vehicle and investing your savings is a more realistic possibility. Look to grow that business and alternative strategies that are achievable. 


When you know your buying capacity you can make better decisions!


Whether you are a first-time buyer looking to enter the world of business ownership, you own a business and want to expand or you are ready to merge with another company - you need to know your options. 

Understanding how to get money to make money is important - that's pretty much what business is anyways. 


Don't waste time with any online loan calculators!

You don't even own the business yet! You're not after a typical business loan.

You want a loan to acquire or merge a business. It takes a skillset and knowledge of business sales to get these loans over the line. Applying online can hurt your credit rating if you don't know what you are doing. 


Does the business you want to buy affect your buying capacity?

Yes and no. If you have $50,000 in the bank, $100,000 equity in your home but have been unemployed the last 2 years and are looking to buy a $1 million business. It doesn't matter what the business is, you're probably not going to get the loan you want. 

Where it does matter is when there two paths start to align....

You have $350,000 available and you're looking at a $400,000 + SAV (say $100,000) business. The two paths are starting to align. You are short $150,000 but you have more than 50% deposit available. There is also $100,000 in stock in the sale price. Here is where your options start to play their cards. In this scenario, you can look at loans for stock, line of credit, personal loans, business loans, vendor finance, buyout periods and more.

The business for sale needs to be prepared...

When you've found the business - you know it's near your borrowing capacity - now it's the vendor's turn to step up to the mark.

Are their financial statements organised and up to date? Are the documents ready for a financial institution to review? If there are gaps in their history, poor equipment records, outstanding payments, tax debts, wage issues, and negative balances month-on-month. Then the lender may deem the business is not stable and you may struggle to get finance (or the lender will want collateral from your assets). So yes, it does matter.


Capacity Check: $49 +GST



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Winquote Check

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Frequently Asked Questions


Buyer's Capacity Check is provided by Winquote Finance (ACL 385541 ABN 95 085 397 379). Please see all FAQs on this page before purchasing as these FAQs and the Bsale Terms of Use govern the terms of the purchase.

We have partnered with Winquote Finance SME who are experts in business finance. They understand mergers and acquisitions and have aided in deals for small to large-sized businesses. Working alongside leading Business Brokers in Australia, Winquote understands what it takes to get the right level of finance to close the deal. 

  • Process payment
  • Your information will be sent to Winquote SME Finance
  • The team from Winquote will contact you directly to further discuss your current situation
  • You will receive guides and checklists
  • The Winquote team will advise on your borrowing capacity
  • Receive 'Winquote badge' on Bsale - making it easier to discuss with vendors - as they know you are a serious buyer

Winquote SME Finance is a Sydney-based finance team that specialises in funding for SMEs.

As a sponsor of the Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) Winquote has worked alongside leading business brokers and understands the deal process. 

Winquote understands the complexities of a business sale and how to get both the vendor and buyer working together to get finance approved.

Buying a business is a large commitment, and it takes a specialist to understand the best ways to present the application and approach the right lenders. Winquote is accredited with all the major lenders.

> Visit the Winquote SME Finance Website

Once the form has been submitted you will hear from the Winquite Finance SME team within 2 business days. Within 5 business days you will have a better understanding of your borrowing capacity and access to helpful resources and guides that can be used during the buying process. 

Yes. A major part of the buying process is the vendor being prepared. We have a finance assessment available for vendors so they can ensure their business is ready for a buyer to apply for finance. Contact our team for more information. 

Yes. It is common for companies and trusts to look at mergers and acquisitions. Part of that process requires your entity to understand its borrowing capacity and the best way to finance the purchase. Unlike many lenders, Winquote SME finance specialises in this part of the business journey. 

That is ok. When you purchase this buyer's capacity check you also get access to a great range of resources and guides. You can decide when you would like the phone consultation to review your situation. Just let the team at Winquote know and they can follow up with you when you're ready. 

Once you have been provided with the guides and resources no refund is available. If you decide you are not ready for the phone consultation, please just inform the Winquote SME Finance team and you can reschedule the call anytime in the next 6 months. 


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