Has Your Listing Gone Stale? How to Revitalize Your Business for Sale Listing

Has Your Listing Gone Stale? How to Revitalize Your Business for Sale Listing
Is your business for sale listing not getting as much traction any more? It could be a few things affecting the exposure of your listing that are dropping the enquiry rate. While a price reduction is usually the quick go-to that may be recommended. There are other methods to ensure your listing is getting the best exposure. After all, you want to get the best price when you sell a business and that comes from getting multiple buyer enquiries.
Increase your Listings Exposure
Listings that appear at the top of search results get the most exposure (it doesn't matter which business for sale website you are using - when you are at the top you get the most views). So look at the upgrade options - they will be cheaper than dropping the asking price of your business!
This is especially important if your business has been on the market for a while. Most websites and marketplaces organise their listings based on featured > newest > updated > everything else. So if your business enquiries are going stale, it could be that you're now sitting on pages 2, 3, etc.
Get your listing back to page one with an upgrade! Whether selling with a business broker or privately - everyone has access to these features. Get back to the top asap!
Refresh Your Title and Lead Image
Buyers are constantly looking. They don't just come once and decide that is the business and buy it - we're not selling beach umbrellas here!
We are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars and a big investment. A buyer will come back. You want to get their attention. If your listing is ‘lack-luster’ or has been sitting on the marketplace for a while - it needs a refresh to grab attention.
Update your title and include some numbers! “Selling 30kg of Coffee a Week” “Established 30 years” “Turning $20,000 a Week” - Gone are the days of “Cafe for Sale” - Where is the love? Tell your business's story. If you want a buyer to be excited about your business - you need to showcase its best features.
Tell Your Story in a Different Way
The more eyes on your listing the potential increase in buyer enquiries.
Everyone loves a good business story. If you want to get traction for your business - you need to tell its story. Building a business and brand is hard work - it took emotional and mental input to get it where it is today.
Instead of trying to “sell” look at strategies to tell your story. Tell why your business is a great asset to be acquired.
Consider options to do a press release and place on social media or in an email marketing campaign. Get the socials involved in the process and you can connect with people differently. Bsale understands socials with 34,000+ Facebook followers. We have social options for you and press releases.
Connect with your Potential Buyer
To sell a business you need to connect with buyers. Read your listing again - have someone else read it. Get your advisors to read it. What is it telling about your business? As a business owner we are sometimes too close to the business to see it from the outside. Yes, you are selling a business, but on the flip side, someone is also looking to buy.
You need to have this buyer in mind.
Are they an owner-operator, investor, family, couple, professional, industry-experienced, local, or international?
Are they buying a job, buying an opportunity, buying for a business visa, expanding their current business, or relocating?
You need to have an idea of your buyer. Write your ad for your buyer - hello marketing 101 and avatars!
A business is a separate entity to you, when you sell, you are selling that entity. Your copy and ad need to be enticing - you need to sell the business. What can the buyer get from buying your business?
Use sub-headings - make it easier for the buyer. Have a clear contact process. Good communication. Make it easy for a buyer to see the value in your business. Why they should be considering your business.
A lazy ad, looks like a lazy business. That's not what buyers want.
Keep an Eye on The Market
The best way to see what is listed is to register for buyer alerts. See when a new business is listed similar to yours. It may just give you an idea of the best marketing approach!
About the author

Vanessa Lovie
CEO Bsale Australia
Vanessa is the current manager and CEO of Bsale Australia. Over the past 11 years as a business owner, she understands what it takes to grow a ...