Meet Cameron Ryan - Winner of AIBB Deal of the Year Award 2023

by Vanessa Lovie 16th of September, 2023
Meet Cameron Ryan - Winner of AIBB Deal of the Year Award 2023
Cameron Ryan, Choon Ng, and Zoran Sarabaca

The 2023 AIBB Awards were recently held on the Sunshine Coast in QLD. Cameron Ryan from Xcllusive Business Sales is a genuinely humble person, who works hard for his clients. His success this year was highlighted by his win of the AIBB Deal of the Year Award 2023 for the highest-dollar value of a single sale. We had a chat with him about the Awards and what this achievement means to him.


Congratulations on your recent AIBB Awards, how does it feel?

I’m very proud to have received three awards at the recent 2023 AIBB Conference in recognition of both success and service in the industry over the last 12 months. Being announced as the winner of the AIBB Deal of the Year Award 2023 (Highest $ Value of a Single Sale) was unexpected but warmly received.

You've had some great achievements in 2023. What do you think is the key to your success?

Working smarter, not harder. The skills and expertise required to be a successful business broker are not learned overnight, they take years of development, require ongoing refinement, and the learning never stops. Being able to deal with an array of stakeholders and efficiently manage the transaction process, from start to finish, is so important.

Individual success doesn’t come without a great team around you though. I joined Xcllusive Business Sales two years ago - the team, led by Zoran Sarabaca and Choon Ng, and business model they have created is a major contributor to my recent successful sales and achievements as a business broker.

AIBB Award - Cameron RYan

Accepting Award: Cameron Ryan (Xcllusive Business Sales) and Vanessa Lovie (CEO


Winning the Award for the Highest Sale at the AIBB is quite an achievement. What was it like going through that sale process?

The subject business was listed in October 2021, put to market in November 2021, placed ‘Under Offer’ in February 2022, and settled in September 2022. As with any sale, there were twists and turns, hurdles, and obstacles. There were accountants and lawyers acting for the buyer looking after the best interests of their client, and there were accountants and lawyers and myself acting for the seller and looking after the best interests of our client. With that comes conflict, disagreements, and robust discussion. But ultimately, each time a roadblock was presented, I brought the buyer and the seller together to work through it and find a solution. And bit by bit we progressively inched our way towards settlement, with an ongoing level of respect and rapport between the parties all the way through to completion. Having ongoing goodwill between the buyer and seller is very important on any transaction.

Interestingly, this particular business was one of the first jobs I was allocated when I started at Xcllusive in September 2021. I serviced the hell out of the client and went all out with preparing the business for market to make a real impact and statement, but ultimately it led to a successful sale. Coincidence, or something to be learned…?

What do you think business owners need to be aware of when selling a business?

Select a broker that you believe, based on your judgement of their professionalism, past results, and communication skills, will represent you and your business competently to ensure the best result is achieved. Don’t engage a broker simply because they appraise your business at a price higher than others.

The process takes time (6-12 months), let the process run its course and trust the process (and your broker) if you want to achieve the best outcome. Be open and transparent with your business broker and the marketplace about your business and why you are wanting to sell.


What is it like working with the team at Xcllusive Business Sales?

Rewarding and enjoyable. Xcllusive have a team that consists of approximately 30 people Australia-wide – a mix of business brokers, business analysts, and support staff. Collectively the team have a wealth of knowledge that can be tapped into when required. As a brand, Xcllusive is building a solid reputation for results-based success and I look forward to being part of the future growth and development of the business.


What advice would you give someone looking to become a business broker?

Learn from others. Surround yourself and spend as much time as you can with experienced brokers so that you can learn what to do, and importantly what not to do, to become a successful business broker.

Accepting Award: Cameron Ryan (Xcllusive Business Sales) and Mary Tamvakologos (AnyBusiness)


Would you encourage other brokers to join the AIBB? Why?

Absolutely I would. The AIBB is the only Australian organisation dedicated to educating and training business brokers throughout their careers. As I’ve touched on previously, the learning as a business broker never stops. As business brokers we must continuously develop new skills to stay relevant and increase our knowledge. Developing new skills is done through training and education and learning from others. And on that point, the AIBB has a multitude of members with decades of experience and knowledge that they are only too willing to share with others.

Tags: business broker career awards success 2023 aibb

About the author

Vanessa Lovie

CEO Bsale Australia

Vanessa is the current manager and CEO of Bsale Australia. Over the past 11 years as a business owner, she understands what it takes to grow a ...

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